Workers' Comp Admin

Workers Compensation seems like an unavoidable expense and most business owners have simply accepted it as a necessary part of doing business. Managing a claim has traditionally fallen to the insurance company or TPA to take care of and is seldom reviewed of questioned by the business owner. This is a very serious mistake and we at S&S are looking at fixing this to help keep your hard earned money in your pocket. We will step in and help to manage your claims to get them on track and contain the costs. Year over year you can see a reduction in costs and renewal rates helping to save your hard earned money.
Navigating the confusing world of Work Comp is daunting, let our professionals step in and take that off your shoulders. We will act on your behalf to oversee the claims to get the fair and appropriate level of care and get the injured worker back to work.You will be provided with updates and allowed to fully understand what is being done without playing the guessing game of if you are or are not making the right choice. When you are put into that position you stand to lose far more than you have to gain.
Understanding Work Comp Law
Navigating comp law is challenging, we have experience in managing claims in all lower 48 states including California and Georgia. Each state has its own laws and comp can be very complicated, don't make the mistake of thinking that you can navigate these laws without a helping hand. With our network of lawyers we can help to defend even the most complicated of claims taking that stress off your mind and allowing you to focus on your business.
The unfortunate fact is that some claims are fraudulent or inflated for personal gain by an individual. We have the knowledge and skills to help to identify these claims and we will do everything possible to shut them down saving you tens if not hundereds of thousands of dollars on the claim costs and helping to reduce your direct out of pocket premiums.


Insurance premiums are up for employers 7.3%1 in 2018
In Florida alone for fiscal year 2017/2018 the Bureau of Workers' Compensation fraud resulted in 502 cases presented for prosecution, 398 arrests and 335 successful prosecutions2
California reports fiscal year 2015-16 the fraud division reported 5,380 suspected fraud cases equating a potential loss of $193,354,616 3
1: Insurance Information Institute facts+statistics 12/2019
2: myfloridacfo.com bureau of workers' compensation fraud12/2019
3: insurance.ca.gov workers compensation fraud 12/2019